The Therapeutic Effects of Clay

Give clay a chance to heal!

You could be this happy!

Life is busy and can throw us many things to cope with and it can become stressful at times coping with those challenges. It is very important that we all try to look after our own well-being and find time to  destress, be creative and find something that enables you to have some personal time, recharge and open up selfcare opportunities.

Well clay can provide you with so many of these things. For those of you who know me I nursed for forty years and during that time life could be very stressful, for me time spent with clay gave me a window which I could just switch off for a couple of hours, try and forget those worries, recharge my batteries and give me the chance to just breathe, relax and made me stronger to cope with the challenges in front of me.

What are the benefits of working with clay ?

It can reduce stress.

Working with clay is very tactile and it  is the first of our senses to develop.  When you are working with clay it promotes a mindful, meditative state and your blood pressure reduces and after 45 minutes working with clay reduces your cortisol hormone levels drop and you become significantly less stressed. Having a lower cortisol level increases muscle relaxation and helps with reducing some of the stress/tension type pains associated with stress ie headaches, migraines,neck pain etc. You can get lost in what you are making, totally connecting with that clay in your hands and nothing else is at the forefront of your mind.

It is mood lifting.

When you are doing something that you enjoy it releases the hormone dopamine causing you to feel happier. So when you are making pottery, involved in workshops, socialising with other potters it can increase your level of dopamine in your bloodstream and make you feel happier. The release of dopamine can also encourage you to repeat behaviours that were pleasurable so you may want to keep returning to making pottery. Living and coping with mental health challenges can be helped by working with clay, reducing the cortisol blood levels and helping to cope with some of the symptoms associated  with those conditions.

Improves our physical health.

Working with clay can be very physical and care must always be taken with moving and handling clay, equipment etc.

Low impact exercises for hands, wrists and arms can be very beneficial, it improves dexterity and strengthens muscles and joint movement. Both handbuilding and throwing gives you the opportunity to do those low impact exercises.

Focus on your own creativity .

Taking up pottery provides you with a creative outlet giving you the opportunity to make something and express your own creativity and provides a sense of freedom, which is essential to expand who we are and how we connect to ourselves and the world around us. Art is an important hobby for self expression and a good way to connect with yourself by expanding your body and mind

Pottery offers you so many experiences and learning opportunities and can set you on your own personal pottery journey, improving your quality of life and can be life changing.

Happy Potting!

Leyla Folwell