
Memberships at The Ceramics Studio – get a tailormade pottery program to suit you. 

Raku firing

Raku firing

Our memberships are inspired by our loyal following of dedicated students, some of which have been with us for five years or more. Watching these folk grow in pottery confidence and skill, taking ownership of their creativity, has brought us to develop what we offer as a ceramics studio.

Every student is different and we celebrate individuality, what we offer is a selection of memberships to suit a variety of pottery agendas. Each membership offers flexibility to offer more

Some of our student’s pottery desires:

·       To develop their skills and deepen their understanding of the ceramic process.

·       To be supported with ideas and receive step by step instruction.

·       Enjoying a regular pottery fix and a sense of community.

·       To be patiently guided through the tricky stuff.

·       Being supported to develop skills they can enjoy safely at home on a small scale.

·       Use our facilities to practice and work on their own projects.

·       Fire work made outside of the studio. Show their work to the public.

·       Work towards setting up a space at home and making independently.

·       Selling and promoting their wares.  

If some of these sounds familiar to you then consider joining one of our memberships.

Memberships give you: Priority booking, discounts, community and access to our kilns for your home projects.

Leyla Folwell